Why to change the world, of course!
Michael Welp

Yes, I know. Sort of like boiling the ocean.

Along with my partner, Bill Proudman, and all of WMFDP’s staff and consultants, we are on a mission. And while we have facilitated sessions for thousands of executives over the past twenty years, our reach is still
minimal compared to the millions of leaders around the globe. So to have a sustainable impact on the world, we must extend our reach. And so, the book.

On a more personal level, I feel the need to continue my own journey by writing as a way to further my authentic voice in diversity and inclusion work. The deep personal sharing and the 12 mindset shifts that occur in the book are examples of taking my voice forward. Four Days To Change is the book I always wanted to write, from a passionate, humble, authoritative, vulnerable voice.

12 Radical Habits To Overcome Bias and Thrive in a Diverse World

Whether with WMFDP or elsewhere, the book is also a powerful tool for facilitators and leaders. It demonstrates why and how our approach to the work is different than most, if not all, other firms. I hope you’ll try it out. Here’s an excerpt.